About Me.
Strengthening Families Program is a comprehensive training program that strengthens families' ability to (1) intervene (or seek intention from others) when their young people commit acts of violence or are victims of violence; (2) intervene as their youth exhibit the risk behaviors that tend to lead to actual violence; and (3) understand the proven protective factors that prevent young people from becoming involved in behaviors that often lead to violence.
The foundation of the training will be the nationally recognized and evidence-based curriculum, “Strengthening Families”. The Strengthening Families Program is designed for Parents and Youth ages 10-14 and is delivered in seven parent, youth, and family sessions using narrated videos portraying typical youth and parent situations with diverse families.

Strengthening Families Program
The program is taught with 7-10 families over seven weeks. This scientifically tested curriculum:
helps parents/caregivers learn nurturing skills that support their children
teaches parents/caregivers how to discipline and guide their youth, effectively
gives youth a healthy future orientation and an increased appreciation of their parents/caregivers
teaches youth skills for dealing with stress and peer pressure.
The curriculum will be taught by trusted local community professionals that have been trained and certified.